GASFLOW 一、Introduction: GASFLOW surfactant has a unique patented microemulsion technology, which can effectively reduce the interfacial tension and interfacial tension. Can optimize the contact surface of water, to improve the liquid recovery and improve gas output. Can be used for acid fracturing fluid reverse recovery operation. Can reduce the pressure difference of fluid through formation capillary. To improve the relative permeability, and repair due to the residual liquid, sludge, the damage caused by. 二、Advantage Environmentally friendly surfactants.。 Increase the load restoration and recovery. Increase the relative permeability. Improve gas permeability and increase gas production 三、Index: . Items Index Appearance Clear liquid Density 0.98~1.01 g/cm3 pH 5.5~9.0 Ionic charge Nonionic Water-soluble Soluble Freezing point -30℃ Flash point 22℃ 四、Usage: 1.GASFLOW range usually added: 0.5 ~ 2gptg (0.5 ~ 2L / m3) treatment liquid 2. When using higher doses for load restoration and repair of residue, and other damage caused by oil block add mode: 0.5 ~ 20gptg (0.5 ~ 20L / m3) processing solution 3 please refer to the MSDS, security labels, and use personal protective equipment before use.. 五、Packing: 1. Package: plastic barrel, net weight 200kg ± 0.5kg. 2. Transport: during transport, care, and to avoid damage. 3. Storage: Storage ventilation to prevent exposure to date, since the production of the storage period of two years.